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End To End Responsibility - DevOps Principle #3

Updated: Mar 19, 2019

In a DevOps organization, teams are vertically organized so that they can be fully accountable for the products and services they deliver. End-to-end responsibility means that the team holds itself accountable for the quality and quantity of services it provides to its customers.

For many people, this principle can be the most challenging. It requires a massive leap of faith that the DevOps movement will work. By giving end to end responsibility to teams, the hierarchical structures of managers, leads, developers and testers start to fade and a more goal orientated team starts to form. This however requires a strong commitment from everyone in the team. Care and Trust are the two main ingredients that will determine the overall success of implementing this principle.

When people care and have the required skills, knowledge, and resources, they can and will collaborate to live up to their responsibility. If they care, they will learn, adapt, improve, and

provide great services and value.

My favourite book right now is "The Speed of Trust By Stephen Covey". It is extremely relevant when implementing this principle because trust is the fastest denominator when doing anything. The establishment of trust between stakeholder and team must be accomplished early. This trust must then be nurtured by returning delivery value against realistic expectations.

To be clear, "End to End" = "Concept to Grave". Teams are required to support their product long after production deployment. The true value delivered by this principle is a team that is fully committed to service their customer. As long as the customer has appetite for that service, the team will work to fulfill customer delight...

Paul Mateos

Solutions Consultant | Pufferfish Solutions

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